Florida Driving School

  • Convenient: Complete your Florida driving school courses on your schedule, from any device.
  • Fast: Our efficient coursework quickly teaches you how to drive safely.
  • Fun: Because we all know memes are more memorable than boring text.
  • Legit: Our courses are approved by Florida-authorized driving offices.

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Everything You Need To Know About Florida Driving School

What is required for Florida Driver’s Ed?

Many states require driving students to sit through dozens of hours of driver’s ed coursework before getting a learner’s permit. But not Florida! Florida’s required driver’s ed program for students aged 14½ through 17 consists of a single Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education (TLSAE) course, commonly called the Florida Drug and Alcohol Course. Once you pass that course, you just need to pass a written knowledge exam, and you’re ready for your Florida learner’s permit!

How long does the Florida Drug and Alcohol course take to complete?

Where can I take the Florida Drug and Alcohol Course?

What happens if I fail a level assessment or final exam in my driver’s ed course?

Can I take my written knowledge exam online instead of at a Florida-authorized driving office?

When can I get my permit?

When can I get my license?

Can Florida require me to re-test?

Aceable Is Here For All Things Driving In Florida

It doesn’t matter if you are a teenager in Orlando getting your license for the first time, or an adult that needs to dismiss the traffic ticket you just got in Tampa, Aceable can help you with any questions you may have about driving.

Is there a limit on how many times I can take the driver improvement course?

Is there a difference between Florida drivers ed and the 4-hour drug and alcohol course?

5 Steps to Getting Your Driver's License in Tampa, Florida

Where do I go to get a driver’s license in Jacksonville, Florida?

What are the steps to get a driver’s license in Orlando, Florida?